Friday, August 25, 2006

The importance of tracking your website

How often do we not start an extremely nice marketing campaign and then never keep track of it?

Money well spent? Or is it the foolish ways of the uninformed ?

However it may seem, it is very wise to keep track of where you spend your money and on what. There is an age old saying that goes "it is madness to keep on doing the same thing but expecting different results." This is unfortunately what happens in everyday life and everyday business. A business owner will place an ad in 3 different newspapers or media, but never keep track of said campaigns.

These campaigns will run for months and sometime even more, with the owner just paying the bills, but never really knowing if the ad was really an investment or not. The same goes true for your website. Treat it as a "hobby" and you can expect a hobby's results, but treat it as a major link in your marketing campaign and strategy and you WILL see drastically improving results in your sales.

How then do you keep track? Well, the same way as you should with customers to you ask these customers where hey heard about your business. If I get x hits per day on my website, but I do not know how they heard about me or where they came from, how will I be able to better that specific part of my marketing strategy?

"How do I ask visitors to my site where they came from ?" - I can just see you frowning about this statement......The secret is :- a reliable tracker - note - not just a counter telling me how many visitors I have had, but a tracker giving details regarding which search engine/s they came from, which keywords were used in finding mysite, from which countries I got these visitors and more. Only after careful analysis of these statistics will I be able to set up the next smart move to ensure I place myself, my website and hence my business in a more suitable position for sales. This is really one of the key factors in determining your next move.

We have added trackers to a couple of our customer's websites over the last few months with amazing results - we have been able to track visits to there sites down to the last detail and this has put us in a better position to advise customers of the next step. In some cases we changed some of the technical "meta tags" on the sites, in some cases we realized we had to change keywords as the original keywords we used for the site were not the ones attracting the visitors. All of this has enabled these clients of ours to get better rankings in the search engines and in most cases we have rankings in the first 10 in Google !!!!!

But, it would not have been possible if we had not been able to gather these detailed statistics.

Isn't it time you get your tracker today ?? Visit for more info re all our services.

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