Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why is business blogging good for you? Part 2/3

Reason # 1

People buy from people - Blogs add personality to your business

When you talk about impersonal marketing mediums, few compare to the internet. As a matter of interest, this is why we advise clients to include their photographs on their websites as well.

Any opportunity you can get to add some personality to your business will increase your sales!

Clever use of a blog to add another “voice” to your business wil help your customers get a better sense of the person or persons behind the business. Does this sound like something that will help you build stronger relationships with clients? You decide. Will that improve your sales? You decide!

The most important part here is not to use fancy business “lingo” – keep it conversational and personal.

Make your readers feel as if you are addressing them in person. Share personal stories and other information that may be useful about your business and/or industry. Involvement in community upliftment projects, sports sponsorships, in fact, any kind of sponsorship, etc.

Make it interesting for people to read - make them WANT to read it!

Keep your blog posts down to about 400 to 500 words max! Shorter is also good. Readers do not want to sit and spend hours reading your posts. They want to quickly scan it, hopefully learn something, and carry on with something else.

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