Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Using your website as an advertising tool - part 5/6

Why organic ranking remains the best way

Organic ranking is the method where your website "ranks" on the first pages of the results pages due to the website being properly optimised.

Fact: There are over FOUR HUNDRED MILLION searches performed via search engines on any given day! It is a mind boggling amount.

Quantities of internet users by region:

As for South Africa , even if we cannot - yet - boast the same quantities of internet users as the rest of the first world we are certainly doing a tremendous job of catching up! We are talking enourmous potential here.

In South Africa alone the amount of internet users have gone up by a staggering 112,5% in the period 2000 to 2006. Yes, 112 percent! From 2,4 million to 5,1 million.

And this is the important part that YOU need be aware of - by far the largest amount of all these internet users are using search engines to find what they want.

Search engines are responsible for driving half of all the traffic on the internet. Online shoppers use the search engines to find services and products they require.

Products and services just like yours!!!

Interesting fact - Organic (also known as natural or free) search engine results get 250% MORE clicks than Paid or Sponsor ads on Google!

When last have you done a search for your OWN products or services? Where do YOUR website rank?

Conclusion- if your website is NOT on the first couple of results pages listed in search results....

You are effectively delivering Tons of traffic to the websites of your competitors - 24 hours out of every single day.

Now picture this little scenarion happening over and over and over, 365 days per year. Are you having nightmares yet?

Let's say I am an ideal business prospect for your business. I decide it is time for me to do a bit of shopping around on the internet. So I go to Google or Yahoo or MSN and I type in the best matching word - also known as keyword - for your type of service or product. I am totally ready to buy what you have on offer, I have already made up my mind. If I like what you have and the price is right, I am a buyer! The search results come up, and...

Your website is nowhere in sight!

Instead of your website, I find those of your competitors. Right at the top of my screen. And I proceed to do business with them.

Pause for a second here and listen..... Can you hear them laughing? All the way to the bank!

So you argue that your site is there - yes, right there on page 5! So exactly WHAT are you going on about dude!?

Bad news - nobody looks further than those first couple of pages. Do you? Of course you don't, like almost 90% of internet users.

If your website is ranked on page 5 it is as lost as it would be on page 105.

I always use the example of a brochure. Let's say you have just spent thousands on having a really stunning brochure designed and then printed. And then you put it in the 3rd drawer of your table. But you desperately want me to see it! How will that happen? Well, either you must tell me to have a look in the 3rd drawer or I must find it totally by accident.

The same principle applies here - if browsers cannot find your website via a search engine the only way they will get to see it is to find it by accident or you need to tell them to have a look - give them a business card etc.

If browsers cannot find your website - it is as good as dead!

Q. Why is Organic Ranking still the BEST method to having a website that works?

A. It is the ONLY way to ensure that your website is TOTALLY targeted for your specific type of service and/or product.

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